Welcome to PurePsyence
the Gathering & Events!
Based out of Calgary, Alberta Canada, we promote growth, healing, and community all through our shared love of the music that gets us moving and grooving... PsyTrance, Psytech and PsyChill.
After an amazing run from 2012 to 2018, then lying snug as a pupa in it's chrysalis, PsyCamping was reborn in 2022 as the PurePsyence Gathering. Mark your calendars, it will be held June 29 to July 2, 2023!
The driving force behind the PurePsyence Gathering and Events, you can find an archive of Nokturnal's music by selecting his image (top right).
Check out our current projects!

Night Flights
Join us on the last Friday of each month as we host some of the biggest international names in psychedelic music. Streamed over our own custom portal, we have complete control of the video and audio quality we broadcast. Each musical artist is paired with an incredibly talented visual artist;as equals they collaborate on their performance and the results are always stunning.
Coming in 2022, some of these shows will
be live-streams of club nights!
PurePsyence the Gathering
Each summer we gather in central Alberta, Canada, to dance under the sun and stars. With a strong family-friendly foundation, it is a safe place for our community to come together to share a moment in time surrounded by friends and loved ones. A crystal clear sound system, a gorgeous piece of land, killer local artists and some bigger names from far and wide... all we need now is YOU!
This event will also be live-streamed over the PurePsyence portal!
Beyond the Veil​
After many years of co-producing the well-loved Bardo series of Halloween costume cabarets in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, join us for our new annual party to celebrate one of our favourite times of year. Be prepared for ghastly decor, deadly tunes, and freaky friends dressed to kill it on the dance floor. Booo!
This event will also be live-streamed over the PurePsyence portal!
Nokturnal PurePsyence
YouTube Channel
Look here for past sets from Twisted Sibling (Tetrameth & Shadow Fx), Smoke Sign, Dharana, Kromagon, Fractal Joke, Zentrix, Juelz, Dr Strangefunk, Quantaloop, Ben Rama, Kinimal, Purple Hayes, Brojanowski, Airi and more! Much effort is made to archive past performances in the best possible quality, that means 1440p for you nerds out there. Stop by, subscribe and share with your friends.
Show your support & DONATE!
Everything we do is for the love of music and the people that make it meaningful. It takes time and money to make it all happen, each event pays for the next one.
If you LOVE what we do and want to support us and help make our events even better, PLEASE DONATE.
To donate securely, Go directly to